Marco Rubio: “Everyone bears responsibility for what’s happening”

I know. I know.

I have not been posting and most likely I will continue not to post. I have vowed that so long as this is ‘The Donald Trump” show I am not participating. Over a year ago, I warned of the rise of Donald J Trump and what it would bring.

No one was listening or rather no one believed me. This country is so embittered, divided and uninformed about government and its functions and limitations; combined with a culture of “what’s in it for me,” that we are on a precipice and I fear the worst is yet to come.

Today, Marco Rubio had one heck of a press conference and while I know the Trump supporters won’t hear it and big media will refuse it, I feel it is just too important not to post.

I just wonder is there anybody listening.

A strong message, but I fear no one wants to hear it:


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